Lorraine Elementary School
Rockdale County
Stockbridge, GA
Our teachers had long been interested in ScootPad and many already had free accounts. When a great pricing promotion led to an opportunity to purchase a schoolwide premium account, we jumped at the opportunity. The challenges for finding a good resource like this are always a balance between price, content, and engageablitiy. ScootPad just happened to strike the right balance at the right time.
Our kids love the interface, competitive aspects, and social media aspects. Our teachers appreciate the content wrapped in a shiny package that engages the kids.
The kids love it, parents love it, and teachers love it. It's been a great fit for our school. We like that it can be used on both computers and mobile devices, and we like the affordable pricing options available to us (In fact, it was the pricing that really pushed ScootPad far ahead of its competitors).