Hermon Hutchens Elementary School Valdez City School District, Valdez, AK

"Students are now able to teach others the skills necessary to complete assignments in ScootPad. I love ScootPad, too!" - Susan Keeney

Hermon Hutchens Elementary School

Valdez City School District

Valdez, AK

281 Students

Problem Statement

Our district is rewriting standards for all curriculum areas. Some students were having difficulty with mastering math standards. We have been trying different types of interventions, including small group instruction.

ScootPad Solution

I decided to try ScootPad to see if we could provide students in all levels more personalized practice. I offered ScootPad to every class in our building. Second grade teachers have offered ScootPad as homework instead of worksheet packets. I also started a ScootPad Club as an after school activity. Our students love ScootPad.

Impact and Results

Many students across grade levels have made great progress through Common Core content. Students are now able to teach others the skills necessary to complete assignments in ScootPad. Students are also using vocabulary with meaning-a common problem for many students during standardized testing. I love ScootPad, too!